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Do you like plane food? | FairPlane UK / 05.05.2017

Home > Airline food

Do you like plane food? | FairPlane UK image

We don’t often associate airlines with fine dining, but they usually offer a reasonable range of options and something that will at least stop your stomach from rumbling until you arrive at your destination.

Last week however we read about a poor gentleman who was far from impressed with what the airline offered him for his inflight meal.

As a coeliac sufferer, the man always made sure that he requested a gluten-free meal when flying.

As it was a morning flight, the majority of passengers around him were tucking into full English breakfasts.

When the gentleman’s ‘gluten free’ meal arrived he took straight to social media to share his astonishment. While other passengers tucked into a hearty breakfast, he was presented with a single banana.

If you’ve been less than impressed with the food you’ve been served whilst flying, why not share a picture with us on Twitter @fairplanenet

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