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Why isn't the Civil Aviation Authority helping clients make delayed flight claims? | FairPlane / 20.02.2017

Home > Civil aviation authority flight delay claims

Why isn't the Civil Aviation Authority helping clients make delayed flight claims? | FairPlane  image

We have been contacted again and again by clients who have found making a claim for delayed flight compensation frustrating. First of all they have contacted the airline but to no avail. They have then written to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) who have also either failed to reply or worse, failed to force the airline to pay the claim.

Flight delay compensation: Worst offenders

The worst offenders appear to be non-UK budget airlines such as BH Air, Smart Wings and Small Planet Airlines. We have been successful against all of these airlines for delayed flights and have even obtained legal judgements against them. The problem is, they simply fail to pay. They do not have offices in the UK and so we would need to enforce the claims in Europe which is totally uneconomic. When we contacted the CAA, they said they were too busy to assist. Yet, they allow these airlines to operate in the UK – literally flying in the face of the legal rights of passengers the CAA are there to protect! So, what is the CAA going to do about this? Nothing as far as we can tell.

We are also now contacting all of the UK airports out of which these airlines operate. We don’t hold out much hope as airport authorities are not interested in enforcing flight delay compensation claims. Their clients are the airlines who pay the landing fees and attract passengers. So what can we all do? Well we suggest boycotting BH Air, Smart Wings and Small Planet Airlines.

Do you want to give business to airlines who fail to comply with EU regulations?

We will keep campaigning for the fair treatment for passengers of all airlines operating in the UK. If you have suffered a flight delay then you should be entitled to be paid compensation whichever airline you flew with.

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