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Flight Delay Ends in Divorce | FairPlane UK / 19.10.2015

Home > Flight delay ends in divorce

Flight Delay Ends in Divorce | FairPlane UK image

Not the most obvious connection: a delayed flight and getting divorced but by all accounts this is a true story.

A woman in Saudi Arabia wanted to visit her sister in Jeddah and so she asked her husband for his permission. He refused.

So, when her husband went to visit his parents in another city, she flew to Jeddah anyway. Trouble was, her return flight was delayed and so she got back after her husband returned.

As a result, he filed for divorce, which is a bit harsh we think. It was ok for him to go and see his parents but not ok for his wife to visit her sister!

Double standards in our opinion so probably the best result as far as the woman was concerned but still bizarre.

Have you had a strange experience due to a flight delay? Why not email your story.

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